Can You Lose Weight with an Under Desk Elliptical?

In today’s world, many of us lead a sedentary lifestyle due to our full-time desk jobs, resulting in weight gain. However, advancements in technology have brought about health opportunities, including the invention of under desk ellipticals.

Under desk ellipticals, also known as mini ellipticals, have been designed to help individuals lose weight by burning more calories than they consume. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using under desk ellipticals, the types available, and the features to look for when choosing the best one. Additionally, we will provide a video tutorial on how to lose weight with under desk ellipticals and answer some frequently asked questions.

Weight Loss With Under Desk Ellipticals

Top Recommended Under Desk Elliptical

One of the best under desk ellipticals is the DeskCycle 2 Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser with Adjustable Leg, which is designed to be smooth and silent. It uses premium magnetic resistance for an extra smooth pedal motion that is easier on your joints and whisper-quiet, so you won’t bother those around you. The DeskCycle 2 mini exercise bike is adjustable, and you can drop it down to 9 for the lowest max pedal height of any desk bike pedal exerciser on the market. It works with desks as low as 27 for people 510 and under. With more than twice the resistance range of other mini exercise bikes, the 8 settings range from very easy to really hard, making it great for using as physical therapy equipment. This desk bike is user-friendly, and the large 5-function LCD display tracks speed, distance, and more. For easy reading, place the monitor on your table with the included display stand.

Calories Burned by Under Desk Ellipticals

Under Desk Ellipticals provide an elliptical motion to your body, allowing you to exercise your lower body muscles. A person burns between 150 and 250 calories per hour, which is a great way to keep yourself fit. If you are looking for a low-impact exercise, you can try this machine. It’s an excellent option for all age groups. This motion enables you to consume calories way more than you consume.

How Under Desk Elliptical Causes Weight Loss

Most of us have a very sedentary life after college or high school because we end up at a day-long desk job. Over time, we become so used to that sedentary life that it becomes our comfort zone. After that whole day, we don’t possess that much energy to visit the gym for our daily exercise. Hence most of us settle for this routine and decide that this is how life is. It’s OK to gain some weight as most people pass their lives happily in a bulky overweight condition. But it is just a wrong decision; its effects won’t show up early once you are young, but as you grow old, adverse effects of this decision show up, and your health becomes worse than ever. The worst part is that you won’t be able to reverse that situation or revert the decision of not exercising for your whole life at that time.

Hence advancement in science and technology has invented the marvelous wonder of under desk bike or ellipticals. One can efficiently work in the office and keep an under desk elliptical, thus performing exercise and doing office work. In this way, one can burn 150 – 300 calories per 30 minutes of exercise performed on under desk bike or ellipticals, thus letting us stay under calories throughout the day, which in turn causes weight loss. So, it has been proved beneficial in weight loss but with the condition that it is done consistently and staying under caloric while keeping an accurate log of calories consumed throughout the day.

Weight Loss Strategy with Under Desk Ellipticals

If you want to lose weight with under desk ellipticals, you need to follow a three-pronged strategy that has been proved highly beneficial while working on a weight loss plan. Performing exercise on under desk ellipticals for 30 minutes per day consistently is the first step. The second step is tracking accurate calories using an effective calorie counter. The third step is staying almost 300 – 400 calories deficit of the total daily caloric requirement. By following this strategy, you can achieve your weight loss goal and stay healthy.

What is an Elliptical?

An elliptical, also known as an elliptical machine, is a popular exercise equipment found in most gyms and fitness centers. It provides a low-impact cardiovascular workout that is gentle on the joints, making it a great option for people with knee problems or other health issues.

The machine works by providing resistance that is equivalent to walking on a treadmill. It is equipped with pedals that you attach to your feet and move in an elliptical motion. This motion helps you exercise your lower body muscles such as quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, while also burning more calories than you consume.

There are two different types of elliptical machines available: the recumbent elliptical bike and the upright elliptical bike. The recumbent elliptical bike provides a reclined position to your body, while the upright elliptical bike has a fixed seat. Both types are equipped with a handle that allows you to move in a circular motion to exercise your lower body muscles.

Using an elliptical machine is a convenient and easy way to stay fit. It doesn’t require any specialized skills or training, making it accessible to everyone. You sit on a seat and attach the pedals to footrests to adjust the pedal’s height according to your comfort level. After that, you need to push the handle down to get a cardiovascular workout.

Elliptical machines are a great option for people who want to burn extra calories and lose weight. They provide the same benefits as a treadmill, but with less impact on the joints. This makes it a safe exercise for people with arthritis or other health issues.

In conclusion, an elliptical machine is a popular exercise equipment that provides a low-impact cardiovascular workout. It is a great option for people with knee problems or other health issues. There are two different types of elliptical machines available: the recumbent elliptical bike and the upright elliptical bike. Using an elliptical machine is a convenient and easy way to stay fit without requiring any specialized skills or training.

What is an Under Desk Elliptical Machine?

An under desk elliptical machine is an exercise machine that is designed to fit under a desk and be used while sitting down. It is an excellent way to get a cardio workout while working at your desk or doing office work. Under desk ellipticals are perfect for people who have back problems or cannot exercise without discomfort. These machines require no assembly, making them ideal for apartment dwellers who don’t have a lot of space.

Using an under desk elliptical machine is a great way to get a healthy cardio workout while walking at a higher speed than traditional treadmills. It is an excellent way to stay active and fit while working in an office or sitting at a desk for extended periods. With an under desk elliptical, you can exercise without disrupting your workday.

Types of Under Desk Ellipticals

Standard Under Desk Elliptical Machine

The standard under desk elliptical machine is a traditional version with two pedals mounted to move your legs in an elliptical motion to burn calories. This variant can perform all the desired functions of ellipticals, and no limitations are observed in this version.

Under Desk Elliptical Bike

The under desk elliptical bike resembles a bike with pedals assembly. It consists of pedals with straps that can simulate an elliptical rotation of legs similar to an exercise bike. It also comes with its resistance level, which can increase or decrease the number of calories being burned while performing the exercise. It works exactly like other standard ellipticals. These bikes are compact and portable, making them easy to store and move around.

Under Desk Ellipticals with Monitors

The under desk ellipticals with monitors are equipped with a Monitor Display Unit, which describes the overall workout and parameters like calories burnt, kilometers traveled, etc. It gives a better insight to the person performing the exercise, thus enabling them to do the calorie counting, eventually resulting in a Caloric Deficit scenario. These ellipticals are available in various types and dimensions, including Cubii Pro and Cubii Jr2. They also come with wheels, making them easy to move around.

In conclusion, regardless of the type of under desk elliptical you have, its benefits can only be seen if used consistently. The price of these ellipticals varies based on the type and features.

Best Under Desk Elliptical Features

Light Weight for Easy Movement

When choosing an under desk elliptical, it is important to consider its weight. Opting for a lightweight one will make it easier to move from one location to another, allowing you to use it under different desks or tables. This feature is particularly important if you plan to use your elliptical machine in different rooms or locations.

Resistance Levels

The resistance levels of an under desk elliptical are also crucial when selecting the best one for your needs. Look for machines with enough resistance levels to help you burn calories in a shorter amount of time. It is also important to choose an elliptical with light resistance options, which will enable you to exercise for longer periods without straining your legs and joints.

Build Quality

Durability is a key factor to consider when purchasing any machine or equipment, and the same goes for under desk ellipticals. Look for a machine with a good build quality from a reputable brand. This ensures long-term use and the availability of spare parts if any parts break. Choosing a machine with excellent build quality from a reliable brand will also ensure better weight loss results, as all the parameters and effectiveness of the machines are quality tested by multiple agencies.

Avoid Cheap Low Quality Under Desk Ellipticals

It is advisable to avoid cheap under desk elliptical options with poor build quality and unknown brands. While a lower price may seem appealing, it often compromises the quality and total lifespan of the equipment, ultimately resulting in a loss in the long term. Such equipment can also compromise your exercise performance, leading to less desirable results.

Video Tutorial: Under Desk Elliptical for Weight Loss

Learn how to use an under desk elliptical for weight loss with this video tutorial.


  • Q1: Can performing exercise on under desk elliptical make you lose weight?

    A: No, exercising on an under desk elliptical alone cannot make you lose weight. It can only help burn extra calories and boost your metabolism. To lose weight, you need to maintain a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than your body burns.

  • Q2: How is exercising on an under desk elliptical better than jogging or running on the road?

    A: Exercising on an under desk elliptical provides the same benefits as jogging or running without causing wear and tear on your knee joints. It is a low-impact form of exercise that can be done while sitting, which saves time and is more convenient.

  • Q3: How many calories can you burn by exercising on an under desk elliptical for 30 minutes?

    A: Exercising on an under desk elliptical for 30 minutes can burn between 170 and 320 calories, depending on your weight and the intensity of your workout.

Conclusion – Final Thoughts

In today’s fast-paced world, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, with a busy schedule, it can be challenging to take out time for exercise. Fortunately, science and technology have made it easier for us to stay active even while working. Several types of equipment are available that can help us perform exercise at home, work, or the office.

One such invention is the standing desk, which allows us to work while standing and promotes movement throughout the day. Using a standing desk can help burn a few calories, keeping us within our daily caloric requirement and catalyzing the weight loss process.

Standing desks are available at affordable rates at various online and physical fitness stores. However, it is essential to keep all the necessary checks in mind while purchasing to avoid any unforeseen loss.

In conclusion, incorporating a standing desk into our daily routine can have several health benefits. It is an easy and effective way to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. So why wait? Make a pledge today to select the best standing desk according to your criteria and start living a healthy life.

About the author


Hi there! I'm Terry Raul, a digital product enthusiast. I work from my personal office at home and enjoy exploring new and innovative products. Recently, I wrote some content about electric desks on that I think you might find interesting.

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